Are you PReady…?

PR is often viewed as an expensive luxury, particularly as it can be tricky to gauge the ROI. What’s important to note is that clients are paying for the agency’s expertise and experience in talking to the media, understanding what they’re looking for & how to sell it to them.

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Opening an attraction during a global pandemic…

There are very few industries that haven’t been knocked by the impact of COVID-19. Hospitality, though, is among those that have been dealt the hardest blow. Closures, reduced occupancy and a year likened to ‘three consecutive winters’ have taken their toll, but amongst the ashes are sparks of hope.

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The Post-Covid Communications Landscape

The word ‘post’ might be the wrong word to use in current times, as the end of our lockdown era feels ever further away. But planning for that fresh wave of freedom (in itself a tricky word to imagine and scope) is already a necessity.

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The future of sustainable travel in a post COVID world

Rewind to the beginning of the year and sustainable travel was on a tidal wave. Greta Thunberg was inspiring a nation of climate change rallies, tourism businesses were seeing the green light and pledging a future of being kinder to the environment and as consumers, we were throwing sustainability into the holiday planning mix. T

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Rapid Response on Digital

During the height of lockdown, key social insights began to surface: mealtimes were becoming even more de-stabilised (the formal lunch hour was no more), store cupboard staples were in demand, and consumers were taking to their online feeds for lunchtime inspiration. New behaviour was afoot.

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Local Producers and Lockdown

In these challenging times, the term ‘adapt and overcome’ is particularly poignant, with the need for resilience and thinking outside the box becoming a necessity for many businesses.

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The change in digital trends

Internet usage has surged by up to 50% in Europe with people now working from home & entertaining their children 24/7. Online Grocers have seen a boom, but now have to contend with demand way outstripping supply. Technology firms are putting pedal to the metal to try and win the emerging tech race, and Home Delivery is now the norm, as we’re all stuck at home, waiting…

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A week is a long time in… everything

When the ‘change is the only constant’ mantra first hit the headlines in the era of Greek philosophers they weren’t kidding. Reinvention rather than change perhaps, in current times.

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Free Comms Consultancy Clinics

We know how difficult it is right now for many businesses and brands. You’re probably wondering what you should be saying to your customers or how you can keep them engaged while you have temporarily closed. Perhaps you’re struggling with the right words to support your team or are uncertain about the changing media landscape. Now more than ever, efficient communication is vitally important. We’re here to help you.

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Best practice advice for Coronavirus

As businesses are readying themselves for potential effects of the Coronavirus, we wanted to share some best practice advice on preparing your communications.  We hope this helps, and we are here to help and guide you should you need further advice.

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When Influencer content works…

Whether you’re a believer or still a little sceptical, influencer marketing has proven itself to be a firm choice for brands as part of their wider marketing mix in the last year. Increasingly, we are seeing clients looking to work with influencers as brand ambassadors, content creators and product promoters.

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